525 N.Market Street, INGLEWOOD, 90302 CA. TEL.310-674-9160
The Prosperity group is a supportive, loving group that helps you on your spiritual journey to healing.
We have been using the Science of Mind teachings and exploring how we can create a new way of thinking and being so that we are in harmony with ourselves and in the flow of life: by creating new habits and thought patterns, we can make the unfamiliar, familiar to us; we can become a new person, if we choose. We have been using gratitude as a way of life, knowing that everybody, even the people who make us feel uncomfortable, are part of our healing journey, and be choosing love instead of fear, we declare our right to be healed. Join us for the Prosperity Group every Sunday at 12:00 p.m. following the Sunday Service. The Prosperity group is led by Practitioner, Darnell Lee. |
©2021 Inglewood Center for Spiritual Living